Sesame seeds and flaxseeds are considered 2 of the healthiest seeds in the world and it is recommended that everyone must include them in their diet. Both are packed with nutrients, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and a lot of fiber. Moreover, both these seeds contain 40% fat, 20% protein and Vitamin E too. Even inspite of so many similarities, there are a few points of differences which enable us to often compare both these seeds. Thus for your reference, the following is a detailed analysis of flaxseeds vs sesame seeds.
• Where on one hand, 100 grams of sesame seeds contain 573 calories and 50 grams of fat, the same amount of flaxseeds contain 534 calories and 42 grams of fat.
• Another point with reference to the flaxseeds vs sesame seeds comparison is in their sodium content. 100 grams of sesame seeds consist of a mere 11 mg of sodium whereas the same amount of flaxseeds consists of about 30 mg of sodium. Similarly, 100 grams of sesame seeds consist of 468 mg of potassium whereas there is 813 mg of potassium in the same content of flaxseeds which makes flaxseeds a better option to up your potassium content.
• All along the flaxseeds vs sesame seeds audit, there is a contrast in the amount of fiber as well. Where on one hand 100 grams of sesame seeds contain 12 grams of fiber, the same amount of flaxseeds contains 27 grams of fiber. This in no way means that sesame seeds have lesser amount of fiber because even 12 grams is a decent amount.
• Flaxseeds do not contain any Vitamin A and 255 mg of calcium whereas sesame seeds contain 9 IU of vitamin A and a whopping 975 mg of calcium in a 100 gram amount.
• The magnesium content contained in both the seeds is almost the same-351 mg in sesame seeds and 392 mg in flaxseeds.
• Even the amount of iron contained in 100 gram serving of both is a little contrasting. Sesame seeds contain 14.6 mg of iron whereas flaxseeds contain about 5.7 mg of iron content, making sesame a better option.
• Sesame seeds do not contain any vitamin C but flaxseeds contain 0.6 mg of it which too is almost negligible. The amount of protein contained in both the seeds is exactly the same.
Now that you know the major nutritional flaxseeds vs sesame seeds differences, you may have gotten the idea that health wise both seeds are equally good and it is hard to pick one of the options out of the two. Both are protective against many health problems and can be used as a cure for many others. So make sure you include both in your diet for a healthy life.
HL Agro supplements the health & nutrients needs of the worldwide users by exporting the diverse range of natural & hulled sesame seeds at the most competitive prices.