Cornstarch or maize starch is one of those things that usually end up lying in the back compartment of cupboards and drawers of your kitchen. Yes, there are very few common uses of this derivative of corn but you will be surprised to know the number of ways there are that you can actually use it. Infact, some of these ways and methods can actually help a great deal of money as well. The following is a list of some of the most surprising uses of cornstarch that prove both money and time saving.
As a window cleaner– if you thought that corn starch could only be used as a thickening agent, then you are mistaken. It can also be used as a wonderful window cleaner. It works as a natural abrasive and since it is superfine in texture, it enables you to make your windows appear absolutely streak free.
As a silver polish– if you have any silver objects lying in your house and need cleaning, then take out that box of cornstarch and put it to use. Yes, corn starch or maize starch can also work wonderfully as far as polishing silver is concerned. You can mix it with a little bit of water to bring out the natural shine in silver objects.
As a grease stain cleaner– you can also use cornstarch to remove persistent and hard grease stains. All that you need to do is to pour some cornstarch over the stains and let it set for about 20 minutes. Cornstarch’s superfine texture will absorb the grease and will keep the carpet absolutely clean.
To soothe sunburns – you will be surprised to know about corn starch can also be used to soothe sunburns. You can make a paste of water with cornstarch and spread it over the sunburn. Give it time to dry since when it dries, it will soothe sore skin. Due to this reason, it also works with bug bites.
To clean wooden furniture – among other surprising uses, one is that cornstarch can also be used to clean wooden furniture. Mix equal parts of cornstarch and water to buff away the marks or stains.
As a smell buster – since cornstarch is so fine, it is a superabsorbent. Due to this reason, it sucks up all kinds of bad smell. Try sprinkling it over smell shoes and let it set overnight. You will observe that all bad smell would have gone in the morning.
To fix leather stains – your favorite leather jacket was smeared with salad dressing? Well, you can sprinkle a little bit of cornstarch on it and let it set overnight. The stain would have cleared by the morning!
Now that you know the various uses of cornstarch, you too can try a few of these out for magical results. Indian origin cornstarch is prepared and sold in bulk by companies like HL Agro performing corn starch processing and ingeniously producing the useful corn by-products on a massive scale. Corn starch manufacturer & exporter, HL Agro delivers value-added native maize starch powder & its derivatives to the diversified starch seekers across industries & countries.